Bug ID Description Status
105 If I attempt to use ULM while virtualbox is running ULM outputs corrupted lists. This happens if I run ULM on the host or the guest system. I suspect it is a shortage of RAM but I wondered if it meant anything else. This can actually happen with very small lists 100KB for example. Thanks. Pending

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Comment No. Message
1what do you mean by corrupted lists?

Are the list in a different encoding?

Can you try create a text file and put some text in it and run a few functions.
2The corruption is that ULM will add two separate lines together (consecutively) like..
Line 1
...would come out as ..Line1Line2

Sometimes the list is much lar
3Sometimes the list is much larger than the in-putted list. These oddities can vary but they only happen when I have virtualbox running and ULM is run in host or guest.
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