Bug ID | Category | Function | Description | Status |
175 | Other | Tools -> Cross Reference Tools | dear developers, drag and drop is not working in Cross Reference Tools so we cant put Source list into it, please fix it, thanks. | Unresolved |
174 | Analysis Tools | Frequency analys(large) | When it's almost done i see message Bad filename or number Runtime Error 52 https://imgur.com/a/lNsTfNh Windows Server 2016 English Version I tried ansi and utf-8 all the same error | Unresolved |
173 | Sort/Advanced | sort/unsort | the output file is always bigger than the input file .... thats happen even if you use tools that remove lines from the input file like dublicates removal tool or even splitting tool where you get the splitted files combined size bigger than the original file. | Unresolved |
172 | Other | open source | why you don't go open source on github, so we can help improve these awesome tools. more people means faster development. | Unresolved |
171 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and Remove Duplicates | Run-Time error '9' Subscript out of range. After-Anomaly detected! Attempting a workaround Using Indexer AL-1.3 Original File 1.2 Gb. After crash generated file 95 Mb. | Unresolved |
170 | Other | Queue | Hey. I encountered such a problem: I select the queue of files containing mail: pass, select the function "Split on character", press the "Process" button, in the next window "Input a single character to split on" select the separator ":", press "Ok" , ULM processes the first file and the "Input a single character to split on" window appears again, which negates the automation of working with the file list. You need to add the checkbox "Perform an action for the entire file queue" in the "Input a single character to split on" window. I must have a choice, apply settings for all files in the queue, or apply my settings for each file. I hope I understood clearly. My email: [email protected] Thank you. | Unresolved |
169 | Sort/Advanced | Split by length 1-128+ | If splitting a large text file when any one character length file reaches a size of ~4GB the program crashes. The same file can be split out in other areas of the program. | Unresolved |
165 | Sort/Advanced | Sort only | If all first char in dict. is the same, Exlample: Maaaaaaa, Maaaaaab, Maaaaaaz, M.............., Mzzzzzzzz. and dict. weight ~3.5 Gb --> prog massage: Run-time error '6': Overflow And after click "OK" don't response & close. With respect, Yaroslav. | Unresolved |
159 | Charset Tools | items within charset will be | if u add more than one file to queue list and clicked prosses button to choose options then finish message will popup even before choosing options but nothing happen and after selecting required charset and click prosses only first file in queue will be prossesed my english is bad but you can re-cause this problem very simply by just to try prossesing multi files at one time | Unresolved |
156 | Other | Cross reference pair finding | Sorry but don't rules,Can you take a look at the code ,please. many many thanks..Great Job,boyz!!! | Unresolved |
154 | Hash Tools | Item Pairing | If I have a email:hash list and hash:pass list and in the hash:pass list I removed duplicates, it will only output 1 email:password result even if more than 1 person used that password for example, after removing duplicates, the output will only have 1 record of email:123456 even though 1000 people signed up with 123456 as a password. | Unresolved |
153 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and remove duplicates | Crash message (Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range) at sort big dictionary (more 10Gb) stop logon on step (Using Indexer AL-12.3 , AL-1.3) and crash GUI. P.S. The same dictionary easy sort in parts. Please fix it, thank you in advance. | Unresolved |
146 | Sort/Advanced | Sort | Sorting the dictionary (67 Gb) an error: Run time error '9' Subscript out of range. what to do? | Unresolved |
136 | Line Tools | Line tools | "Keep first X No. of characters" cuts NUL spaces "E m d" -> "Emd" "Keep last X No. of characters" cuts NUL spaces "E m d" -> "Emd" "Remove first X chars" cuts NUL spaces "E m d" -> "Emd" "Remove last X chars" cuts NUL spaces "E m d" -> "Emd" "Keep if line ONLY has" doesn't detect that item has NULs & cuts last char of items if it has NUL space "E m d" -> "E m" "Remove if line ONLY has" doesn't detect that item has NULs & cuts last char of items if it has NUL space "E m d" -> "E m" | Unresolved |
126 | Other | Join Lists | I get always a problem with joining some wordlists to one big file. ULM Shows me this error! http://prntscr.com/5j9clt and then I get this error http://prntscr.com/5j9cmz It's 1 Gigabyte List | Unresolved |
125 | Other | ccr | Failed to allocate memoryReading error... Infile is larger than 10Gb. Reference file is larger than 28Gb. System memory: 16Gb. | Unresolved |
115 | Case Tools | generate all case mutations | input: ttt TTT output: ttt ttT tTt tTT Ttt TtT TTt TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT problem -> TTT | Unresolved |
112 | Other | Encoding Conversion | Out of Memory error with large dictionaries. | Unresolved |
98 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and remove | "Thor" says he is unable to sort a huge word list. He does however provide a torrent of the file he is having trouble with which may help you see what is happening. Link = https://forum-ssl.md5decrypter.co.uk/messages.aspx?TopicID=3784&#post21956 Thanks. | Unresolved |
55 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and remove | Trying to sort and remove duplicates from a 5GB list I received the following. "Hmm error has been detected please contact the developer." "Run time error 9 subscript out of range." This is the sub it was working on... "LRL-0.0" Thank you. | Unresolved |
33 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and Remove Duplicates | I get the following error message when working on a list that probably contains a lot of duplicates. Run time error 9 subscript out of range. | Unresolved |