Bug ID | Category | Function | Description | Status |
176 | Other | Fast Pair Tool (FPT) | There's an error in the overview of the options at https://unifiedlm.com/DownloadFPT "-t Separator character used in right-side" That seems to be wrong. -t is already used for threads: (-t num-threads) Best regards | Pending |
168 | Sort/Advanced | splitalphanumeric | Using split alpha numeric does not work, strange output. Please will you take a look? | Pending |
167 | Other | ReLP | If there is a ( or ) bracket in the file name then ReLP will not process it. Example New Text Document (2).txt would not be processed. | Pending |
166 | Sort/Advanced | sort64lm | Sometimes sort64lm will not work on a file due to its name. This doesn't have to be an illegal naming problem or special character, oddly the following will not be processed. Web.txt or Uni.txt or Old_English_Sayings.txt If I simply change the name by 1 character sort64lm will work. | Pending |
164 | Sort/Advanced | sort and remove | error L3-42/0/0.1014598325 | Pending |
163 | Other | Cross Reference | GUI freezing to infinity on (partial match) mode, logging stop on step (Pass running) I waited a long time (more that 2 hours) for (Reference list) size (600MB) and (Source list) size (15MB) Please fix this mode. Thanks you so much! | Pending |
162 | Other | Split tool | If you point out the number of files before the green line finishes, the split tool doesn't begin working. Creates a temp file and all. | Pending |
161 | Line Tools | remove if line only has | Man, it doesn't work in full strengh with multiple choices. If I choose for example special, tabs, space and numbers, a file is reduced much less than when I only choose numbers. Thank you for the great program! [email protected] | Pending |
160 | Sort/Advanced | sort and remove duplicate | sort and remove duplicates feature causes some passwords to join together. I noticed that if I duplicate my word-list the result contain first 10 list items joined with last 10 items, so I tried to investigate further, so I reduplicated my list 10 times and found that the first 7 times contain joined passwords joined together but last 3 times the result was normal. its a very strange behavior, after what happen to this list i re-check my others list that i used remove duplicates feature and found out that most of them effected by this bug and they where contain joined list-items that ruin my lists. list and list duplicated are provided below: List: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hx9631pfgratn9f/List.7z?dl=0 List after dublicate: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjkhyth8nbq1gsv/List-removed_dublicates.7z?dl=0 | Pending |
158 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and remove duplicates | Very often crash GUI on step (Anomaly detected! Attempting a workaround Using Indexer AL-1.3) or (Using Indexer AL-12.3) at sort 2,8Gb wordlist and bigger. | Pending |
157 | Sort/Advanced | Join and sort/remove duplicates | Here is the message: Please report the foloowing error to the developer: Error L3-227/0/0.1046661975 Then after hit enter got: Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range | Pending |
155 | Analysis Tools | Frequency Analysis(Large List) | I loaded the file to 3GB for analysis,the first stage of soft passes,but the second stage will not a lot and says that not enough memory! Memory as much as 32 GB and more than 80%!!! Please fix this! | Pending |
152 | Analysis Tools | List Merger | One on One option broken, only works using a one on many function. file1: abc jkl file2: def mno result: abcdef jkldef abcmno jklmno in both cases | Pending |
151 | Other | ccr -t | When i input this in cmd: ccr -i input.txt -r reference.txt -o outfile.txt -t 4 says: Unknown option `-t' multithread dosent work | Pending |
150 | Other | item pairing | select item pairing and can not drag and drop into either box | Pending |
149 | Other | Join Lists (Horizontal) | The version 135&136. When I starting: TOOLS/Join/Join Lists (Horizontal)/One-to-one or & One-to-many - I have the same results in it : I put into forms 100 strings on left and 100 strings on right and I have result is: 10 000 strings, one-to-Many function. | Pending |
148 | Other | cross refrence | source list contain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 refrence list contain 0 5 7 9 output 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 ps: there should be no 9 in output file | Pending |
147 | Other | Delimiter Convertion | During convertion CrLF-LF files with 15mio lines or more tool inserts emty lines randomly. | Pending |
145 | Analysis Tools | Frequency analysis large list | When using "frequency analysis large list" on a lage list of ULM generated rules ULM crashes. | Pending |
143 | Other | Cross Reference Tool | Running the Cross Reference Tool against a lot of small files (+20) at the same time results in 0 byte sized files for some of them. If you run ~10 at the same time it works fine. Seems maybe memory is wiped before the system can output the file. Version 128 on Windows. | Pending |
140 | Other | UTF-8 | When using this mode, most functions produce odd results. Comment from someone else.. can confirm it, UTF8 lost about 8% words on output, quick test with lost words saved in small file didn't had this bug | Pending |
139 | Other | Encoding Conversion Tool | Various problems but this tool is still Beta isn't it ? Not sure if I should bug report for it yet. | Pending |
137 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and Replace | Sort and Replace finds duplicates in hashes.org found list, there shouldn't be any in that list. Also happens with latest sort64lm.exe although different number found ! | Pending |
124 | Other | all functions | problem on all functions, if the filename has no extension. error : Run-time error '76': Path not found | Pending |
123 | Other | Split Tool | I tried to use the split tool on a very large file and it just hung. The file was 30GB, but whenever I tried to use the split tool to split it into a more manageable size ULM just hung and did nothing after counting the lines. I left it for over 20 minutes to see if anything would start but nothing did. Tried this a few times, same result. Thanks. | Pending |
105 | Other | All functions | If I attempt to use ULM while virtualbox is running ULM outputs corrupted lists. This happens if I run ULM on the host or the guest system. I suspect it is a shortage of RAM but I wondered if it meant anything else. This can actually happen with very small lists 100KB for example. Thanks. | Pending |
101 | Other | Cross Reference | Cross Reference doesn't seem to remove non ASCII characters from the Source list even though they are present in the Reference list. Thanks. | Pending |
97 | Sort/Advanced | Sort and Remove Duplicates | Subscript out of range error message 9. Sort and removing from 20GB list. In the temp file, ULM appears to be stuck on the range 112_27_0 to 112_27_253. I tried it a few times with same result at roughly the same point. Thanks. | Pending |
45 | Sort/Advanced | Sort Short To Long Error | I have sent an e-mail with an example text file. Sort it short to long and look at the end of the file (longest). Lines are merged together. | Pending |
24 | Other | Converter | I tried to use the converter to split lines that had " " (double space) within them. The converter didn't notice that 2 spaces were used and converted using a single space. | Pending |